Monday, November 29, 2010


1) Discuss the significance of Thomas Jefferson's quote: "A little rebellion now and then is a good thing...God forbid that we should ever be twenty year without such a rebellion...The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants."
Thomas Jefferson saw the importance of preventing the government from taking too much power. If there are rebellions, the people in power will do things that common people want because they are scared of a rebellion.
2) Why did Shay's Rebellion happen?
The farmers were angry because the new government was taxing them too heavily. They were getting sent to prison and having their land taken.
3) The constitution is "a political creation, hammered together in a series of artfully negotiated compromises. Discuss these compromises.
The three-fifths compromise which counted black people as only three fifths a person. The bill of rights
4) What was the Virginia Plan?
It was an unsuccessful, plan to have equal representation in two seperate houses. It gets edited and becomes the Constitution. The Virginia Plan was proposed by James Madison.
5) "No person held in service" was a euphemism for what?
6) List the basic Powers and Checks of the three branches of the government.
The Judicial Branch Upholds the law. They follow the Constitution and make sure the laws Congress makes are ok. Congress makes the laws, but they can be overturned by the judicial plan. The excutive branch has the ability to vote against laws, but the veto can be overcome in congress.
7) Who wrote the Federalist Papers and why did they write them?
John Jay, Alexander Hamilton, and James Madison, they wrote them to persuade the people to accept the Constitution.
8) Briefly outline the first ten amendments.
1. Freedom of Speech, Press, and Religion
2. Right to bear arms
3. Soldiers cannot be forced into ones home.
4. People can keep there personal belongings private. No unreasonable search or seizure.
5. Innocent until proven guilty. May not be tried twice for the same crime. Tried by a jury of ones peers.
6. The right to a speedy trial by a fair judge and jury.
7. In common law, the right to a jury is still upheld.
8. No cruel and unusual punishment.
9. The Constitution gives right to everyone, and they shall not prevent any man from having these rights.
10. Any laws not specifically outlined in the Constitution shall be decided on by the states.
9) Who could wrote in the first election (what parts of the population)?
Any white landowner
10) How did Washington D.C. come be located on the banks of the Potomac?
Hamilton, Jefferson, and Madison all agreed to it during a secret dinner.
11) What did Jay's Treaty do?
It made the British leave America, set up where the border waas for Canada, and allowed the British to stay in Canada.
12) What was the "Whiskey Rebellion" and how was it put down?
People were in an uproar because of the taxes on whiskey, because it was one of the few things that could be profitable. There was a revolt and Washinton marched against the rebels with 13,000 men.
13) Describe the election of 1800? How was it finally resolved?
Jefferson and Aaron Burrs tied in the election, and the Electoral college kept voting the same. Hamilton argued for Jefferson and got one guy to change his vote for Jefferson.
14) Who was John Marshall?
He was a justice that John Adams stuck into supreme court to keep his agenda going. John Marshall makes the court what it is today.
15) Why did France sell its North America possessions (the Louisiana territory) to the U.S.?
Napolean decides that he should stay away from America after his defeat in Haiti. He sells the land to America for very little.
16) What did Lewis and Clark do? Describe their journey?
They explored the west. They left present day Indiana in October 13, 1803. They headed up the Missouri River and explored that area, then went to North Dakota. They spent the winter here and explored some more, before going home.
17) How did Hamilton incur the wrath of Aaron Burr? Was he right in what he did? How did the ordeal end?
Hamilton prevented Aaron Burr from becoming vice president again and prevented him from becoming governor of New York. Hamilton was not right in what he did. He was the president and should've focused on running the country, not attacking his opponents. Burr slapped him with a glove and then dueled him and shot him.
18) What was Jefferson's Embargo Act? Why was it unpopular and what was it suppose to do?
Prevented American ships from taking goods to foreign lands for trade, and also prevented foreign ships from landing in America to trade. It didn't really hurt anyone but the Americans and raised the cost of shipping things in the US.
19) What did Tecumseh try and do?
He was a native leader, and urged his people to go back to the traditional ways. He wanted them all to give up anything brought by Europeans. Wouldn't get pushed around by the settlers.
20) Describe the Battle of Tippecanoe?
The US sent troops to move Tecumseh and his followers because they were causing tension with settlers. America won the fight, but sustained more casualties then the natives. Because of their losses however, the natives could not recover.
21) Most historians call the War of 1812 a draw. Why?
Neither side really accomplished anything. Britain was more worried about the Napoleonic wars.
22) Describe the Battle of New Orleans.
General Andrew Jackson utterly destroys the british. Jackson had 2000 men come and attack the British. The Americans thought the British had far more troops than they actually did, so the victory was a suprise.
23) What did the Monroe Doctrine state?
Foreign countries will not interfere with the americas, or it will be viewed as agression.
24) What was the Missouri Compromise?
It prevented slavery in the land bought in the louisiana purchase. It was a compromise between pro-slavery and anti-slavery groups.
25) How was the election of 1824 decided? Why was it called a "corrupt bargain"?
John Quincy Adams won the election, but did not win the popular vote. It was decided by the house of representatives. It allowed the states with more people more voting power.
26) List some of the labels attached to Andrew Jackson.
Trail of Tears, Jacksonian Democracy, Andrew jackson embodied the new American spirit and became the idol of the ambitious jingoistic younger men who called themsleves Democrats ( of the American common man)
27) Was Andrew Jackson an Indian hater? What did the natives call him? What "Indian Wars" did he fight in and what was the outcome? What was his native "policy" as President?
Yes he was, They called him Long Knife. Creek War, which is where he got his reputation as a ruthless indian fighter, first Seminole war, 1812. Unless they adapt the American Culture, we ill kill you our you need to move.
28) How did Jackson come to symbolize the common people?
Andrew jackson embodied the new American spirit and became the idol of the ambitious younger men who called themselves Democrats. Came from porverty, fought in the revolution, first president from the west.

Thursday, October 28, 2010

1) What rebel leaders does Paul Revere ride at midnight to warn?
Samuel Adams and John Hancock, who were leaders of the minutemen
2) In detail, describe how the battle of Concord looked?
The colonists used the woods and available cover and were basically attacking their own people. The Redcoats had the same mentality as in the French and Indian war, where they just stayed in a line and got cut down pretty quickly by the colonists who hid.
3) Why was the Revolutionary War the most important event in U.S. History?
The Revolutionary War enabled the country to be free and after it was over we finally were able to set up our own ruling government. America no longer had to pay taxes to anyone else. The Constitution was written and it set up the beginning of our country.
4) How many cities over 10,000 where there in America at the time of the Revolution?
5) Describe the country before the Revolutionary War? Why might not we, in the 21st century, recognize it?
America had only a couple million people living in it. Only four cities had more than 10,000 and only the east coast was inhabited. Rivers were pretty much highways but at the same time they made moving harder for those who just wanted a new colony. The rest of the country was just wild and untamed forest or desert.
6) Why was James Otis important?
He was a lawyer who introduced the idea that taxation without representation is tyranny. Pushed the colonists to go against the British.
7) What was Samuel Adams known for?
A Brewer! (just kidding) He kinda helped set up the whole revolution. Set up the Sons of Liberty. Without him we may have never fought against the British.
8) Describe the Patriotic Leaders.
Pretty much rich,white men who wanted to escape England so they could maximize profit and make their own laws that would favor the wealthy. They were succesful in appeling to the middle class, not so much the lower one though.

Massae isted around so that it sounded like a group of British soldiers just decided to fire into a crowd of innocent people. Although this wasn't true most people had no idea and so it created harsh feelings toward those soldiers. However they were given a fair trial by John Adams and because of that all of them got off except for one. During the Boston Tea Party, men from the Sons of Liberty went to a ship full of tea and threw it into the harbor. This shows that the colonists are frustrated with the taxes being put on them by the British. Althogh many colonists didn't support this act, it should have been a warning to the British that the colonists were ready for war if they didn't back off.

Zinn Ch. 5

This chapter is about before the Revolutionary War. The army is being built up but blacks weren't allowed to join except in the north. None of the natives are allowed to fight. Basically Zinn says the only people who join are those who are poor. The reason is because the rich white people are trying to keep the poor oppressed. The poor white people join to try to become more respected although this doesn't happen. The rich people pretty much stay out of the war except for the few who become generals. After the war things didn't change. The black people were still slaves, the natives were still having land stolen, and the poor white people stay poor.

Thursday, October 14, 2010

1) How did the French and Indian War turn into a World Conflict? How did this affect North America?
All over the world countries are fighting for control of the land.
2) How do the British treat Washington when he asks for a Royal Commission? Why do they turn him down?
The kind of laughed at him and told him to deal with it. He has a poor record in the wars and the commanding officers see nothing worth promotion.
3) How doe Pitt's policies change the colonists attitudes toward the war?
He understands what they want and gives them guns and other supplies as repayment for the war. They accept this and lots of them sign up to fight the French.
4) Describe the Battle of Ticonderoga?
General Abercrombie is defeated. He has 25000 troops and Montcalm has only a few thousand, but Montcalm builds defenses that frustrate the English and his troops easily kill them. Montcalm has few casualties but needs supplies badly.
5) What was the western supply post for the French? How did it fall?
The supply post had all the goods that Montcalm needed and the English take it easily. This is a disaster for the French.
6) Why is the St. Lawrence River important?
It allowed an easy path through the dense woods and marshes. It allowed guns and troops to be very easily transported.
7) What are the reasons the natives leave the French side?
The French no longer give supplies to the natives, and without those supplies the natives are dying. Smallpox is running rampant and starvation is imminent.
8) Why do the Virginians (under Washington) and the Pennsylvanians clash over Forge's road? What does this say about the colonies?
Washington wants to follow General Braddick's previous route. However the pennsylvanians want to follow a more straight forward path and build outposts every fifty miles. The colonies are not very united.
9) Pittsburg is named after who?
The prime minister who made the victory there possible.

10) How do you feel about George Washington and his participation in the French and Indian War? Why?
General Washington is not a very good leader so far. He's lost lots of battles and was a part of the worst defeat in the war. He is participates in a battle between two battalions on the same side. Not exactly innovative or even tactically intelligent.

Friday, October 8, 2010

Part 2

1) Why do only the Mohawk agree to fight with General Johnson?
The other indian nations feel that it's not worth the risk of dying to help the general.
2) What are the results of the Battle of Lake George?
The Mohawk warriors on the French side try to stop it, but the French fire and start the battle. This becomes the frontline for the conflict between the empires.
3) For what purposes did the Native Americans take captive? (List three)
To replace dead friends, to use as ransom, and to protect from white people trying to steal their land.
4) Why is the story of Mary Jemison presented? What purpose does it serve?
To show more of the culture of the natives. It shows us that Natives maybe arn't as savage as they are sometimes protrayed.
5) Do you agree with Washington's disciplinary practices on deserters? Why or why not?
No, when he hung the deserters, i think that he lost the respect of his troops a little. He has put fear in them, and this fear could lead to unease when he is leading them. It could cause hesitation to follow his orders.
6) Who is Montcalm and why doesn't he like the Natives?
He is a French General and he doesn't like the Natives, because he feels they are uncivilized. He doesn't like their culture and their insistence of taking scalps.
7) What are the Native Americans code of honor? How does this differ from the Europeans' Code of War?
The natives would plunder the dead and take the surviving to replace their fallen warriors. The Europeans thought that was barbaric. They didn't take prisoners and treated the losers very well (so well that after the english lost a battle they had a banquet with the french who won).
8) Discuss the culture clash that happens at Fort William Henry.
After the English lost to the French and Indians, the French told the natives that they could not plunder the english or take captives. Further angering them, the French invited the English to a banquet and didn't invite the natives.

Wednesday, October 6, 2010


George Washington was with the natives who attacked the French on a diplomatic mission. Because he failed to stop them, George Washington made this war possible.
2. Half-King was a native who had become allies with George Washington. Technically he was not allowed to do this without asking the Iroquos since they ruled over his people. He decided the British were the stronger group and so he joined George, and killed some French diplomats, which started the conflict with the French.
3. Half-King wanted revenge for a previous defeat.
4. The French were in the right. They had diplomats mercilessly slaughtered and because of that wanted revenge. The British had no right to attack they just wanted to expand. The Natives were also after revenge but they were mad about a loss in battle, where the French were mad about murders of innocent people.

Monday, September 20, 2010
Extended Activity:

3. The Narragansetts escaped the epidemics for the most part. Smaller tribes suffered losses and the survivors became a part of the Narragansett tribe. The first documented contact with the Narragansetts took place in 1524 when Giovanni de Verrazano came to Rhode Island. The Narragansetts were one of the most powerful tribes in the area and offered protection to other tribes in exchange for goods or services. They had winter homes and summer homes. In the summer they would move inland for hunting, and in the winter they lived near the shore. Their culture was very similar to that of the Pequots, but they didn’t fare so badly in the wars. They tried to ally with the English rather than immediately being against them.
Scientific evidence shows Mohegan presence in Connecticut for over 10,000 years. At the time of European contact they were part of the Pequot tribe, but they soon separated. Mohegan means “wolf clan” in their language. Men were hunters and went to war. Women were farmers and also did most of the childcare and cooking. Both were storytellers and took part in art, medicine and music. Chiefs were men. Children had a lot of chores, and played games and with homemade dolls. The Mohegans favored collaboration with the English and became friends with them, starting an uneasy alliance. True to their word, they helped the English defeat the Pequots. This alliance kept the Mohegan people relatively safe during white vs. native wars.

Friday, September 17, 2010

3. The puritans traveled to the new land because they wanted to practice a more pure form of their
religion. They wanted to come to America and kind of reset the church.
4. The puritans thought that land was only yours if you built a permanent settlement on it. The Pequot though land was just somewhere to live for a while and then move on. The pequot wondered why the white people were setting up these big settlements. Puritans thought the Pequot men were lazy because in their culture the women would make all the food while the men disappeared in the woods all day. Peqout people thought the Puritans babied their wives. Pequot didn't understand total war. They would kill the men of another tribe and take the women and children. However the Puritans had come from a culture who was often at war and they had this idea that the only way to win was to wipe out everyone from the other side.
5. The Dutch only wanted to trade, they didn't really care about land or expansion. This enabled them to have better relations to the natives. The English were constantly pushing for more and more land. The natives couldn't understand this and it started to cause tension with the natives getting to squished together.

1. John Winthrop's community idea was a perfect christian community but didn't sound like it had much tolerance for other religions. These kind of communities arguably exist today. Spain is like this, very succesful and it has a strong set religion. They are at peace and it seems to work.
2. Winthrop meant that all eyes would be on them. When you're on a hill everybody can see what you're doing and you're the focus.
3. He didn't seem to have any tolerance for others with different veiws. He wanted to convert the Pequot to another religion but instead they killed them.

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Howard Zinn's book starts out by destroying what everyone thinks of Christopher Colombus. Reading about his cruel enslavement of the natives suprised me. I knew he forced thm to be slaves but I didn't know that he was searching for gold. He forced them to find something that wasn't even on the Island of modern day Haiti. Many of the natives died and some got so depressed and miserable that they were killing their own babies. It was only after almost wiping out that civilization did he realize that there was no gold on the island.