Thursday, May 5, 2011

Ch. 30 questions

9. The wall was built to keep people from fleeing from East Berlin. The west side had allied troops who were there to prevent Berlin and Germany from breaking the agreements of the peace treaty.
10. Kennedy was worried that Cuba was getting too much support from the Soviets and he was worried that since they were so close to us, they might be able to attack us devastatingly.
11. The resolution enabled him to move troops into Vietnam.
12. Agent Orange was a herbicide used to destroy heavy plant life to make warfare easier. It caused health problems for the men using it.
13. The Tet offensive was when North Vietnam and Vietcong started a new aggressive offensive against the United States.
14. World War II was a war to rid the world of tyranny. We were fighting for things that Americans believed in, and we saw the evil of our enemies. In Vietnam however, it was viewed as more of a civil war, and mass murder was not happening like it was during the world war.
15. President Johnson's decision was a bad one. During war, a stable government is important, and part of a stable government is not introducing radical new policies. By no running, President Johnson opened up the opportunity for a new president to introduce new policies. Also, he knew the war better than a new president would and so was more qualified to lead the military.

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Dont know much about History

How many television sets were sold in 1950? How did television change America? What other factors changed America in the 50s?
More than 4 million were sold. It was a new source of entertainment. People could actually see things. Suburbs made it so people could move out of cities. Cars became very popular and enabled people to go places. Cars changed everything, fast food, superhighways, and drive in theaters.
What three important novels were published in the 50s? What did they do or promote?
The Naked and the Dead, showed an uncomfortable view of soldiers. Catcher in the Rye, which is about the alienation of the youths. On the Road, a book that went against conformity in America.
What was the Iron Curtain?
The separation of Soviet countries from the rest of Europe.
What was the Truman Doctrine about?
Truman sent aid to Greece and Turkey to prevent them from falling under Soviet control.
What were the “witch hunts” of the 1950s? Why did this happen?
These were the hunting of communists. People were very scared of communism, the government fed this idea that the communists were spying and out to get you. One of the fears was that because they had the atomic bomb they would use it.
Who was Klaus Fuchs? Describe the Rosenberg case?
He gave atomic secrets to Soviet Russia. Rosenberg's did not speak about the secrets they gave away and were executed because of this.
What was the Korean War about? Why was MacArthur removed from service?
North Korea was supported by Communists and it invaded South Korea, so the U.S. sent forces to help. MacArthur had a disagreement with Truman.
What was important about Brown v. Board of Education? How did Eisenhower have to enforce it’s ruling in Little Rock?
His daughter wasn't allowed into a white public school because she was black. Eisenhower sent paratroopers to protect her.
Discuss the importance of the Montgomery Bus Strike.
Rosa Parks refused to move from her seat. This caused an uproar with white people so many black people started boycotting buses.
Discuss the beginning of the space race.
Sputnik, was a soviet satellite that Russia sent into space and they got there first.

Monday, May 2, 2011

History Questions

9. Winston Churchill coined this phrase, and it meant the Soviets had cut Eastern Europe from the West. Behind the curtain was the Soviets holding control.
11. It is a war in which it is not actually declared and physical battles arn't fought, but their is tension, threatening, and a race to be the best at everything.
13. It gave returning war veterans money to go to college, set up businesses, and buy homes.
15. There was no victor, but there were lots of casualties on the American side. We also set up a demilitarized zone where no military was allowed. It was also a direct threat to the Soviets.
16. It was a congressional committee that investigated communism in America.
Pg 834
5. Alaska and Hawaii
9. Fidel Castro
10. Jet travel was revolutionized by the production of the 707 jet. It allowed more than a hundred passengers to be carried at high speeds for long distances. Computers were starting to be used for big businesses.
14. The people not affected by poverty moved to the suburbs, keeping a lot of the population out of the city. The impoverished people however had to stay in the cities, thus leading to a high level of poverty in cities.
16. Nuclear weapons were a much better detterant than a large army. He could have large parts of the army and still be able to threaten large countries with nuclear arms.
17. Suburbs were created and so people were more spreaad out. They needed cars to be able to go to the store and do errands.