Monday, April 4, 2011

Dont Know Much About History

1) Why did FDR want to pack the supreme court? Did it work? Do you think this was constitutionally correct?
He wanted to pack it so that he could get justices that were on his side. It was filled with republicans who did not support the New Deal. It did not work for him and was not constitutionally correct.
2) What is a theory about Amelia Earhart's death? Why was she important?
She was killed because she saw too much possibly. She was the first strong female symbol.
3) What was Lend-Lease?
We would lend supplies to armies that supported the same ideals as America in the war.
4) Discuss the BATTLE OF BRITAIN.
First ariel attack of Britain by the German Air Force. It went on for four months and the British destroy 1700 planes.
5) What were some of the reasons isolationists wanted to stay out of the war?
They were still feeling the effects of the depression and memories of WWI. So, they didn't think WWII would be worth the huge losses that would come from the war.
6) What was the traditional definition of Fascism? Who were the Fascists of Europe in the 30s?
Fascism was a military dictatorship, Benito Mussulini was a fascist, Hitler, Stalin, and Franco. Japan, Italy, Germany.
7) Who were the Axis Powers?
Germany, Italy, and Japan.
8) In what year and month did Japan invade Peeking?
July 1937
9) What were the aggressive actions of Germany and Italy before the start of WWII?
Germany invaded Austria, take Poland, sign a neutrality pact with Russia, annexed Czechoslvakia, Italy overthrows the government that it had. Italy invaded Greece, Albania, and Ethiopia.
10) What are the two views of Pearl Harbor?
That we knew about it but we underestimated the Japanese army and overestimated our army. The other view is that we knew about it and let it happen so we could go to war.
11) What does Japan cite as reasons to go to war?
We froze their assets in America after they invaded French-Indochina. So they had no oil flowing to them and they had to get it back.
12) What is the date of Pearl Harbor?
December 7, 1941
13) What is the date of D-Day?
June 6, 1944
14) What was the cost of World War II?
38 million total deaths or more.
15) What was the Yalta Conference?
It was a conference where the United Nations were supposed to be formed, to get Russia to declare war on Japan, and to decide the fate of Poland.
16) What did Stalin demand in return for his agreement to enter the war against Japan?
The soviets got control of Manchuria and Mongolia, and would get half of Sakhalm Island and the Kurile Islands. They would also get occupation in Korea as well as a vote in the United Nations.
17) What is FDR's legacy?
American Arrogance and racism. Stupidity and doubleplusungood leader.
18) Did the U.S. have to drop Atomic weapons on Japan? List the various PROs and CONs to this argument.
The U.S. did not have to drop the bomb. The war in Japan was however extremely deadly, they had a mentality that they should never surrender. The culture was very much about honor so the idea of surrender was horrible to them. They knew they were doomed, but surrender was far worse than death, and fighting people like this was terrible. They would run at you with no regard for their own life and could inflict terrible casualties this way. The bomb helped stop these terrible battles. The bomb was terrible but maybe helped stop thousands of American deaths, at the cost of hundreds of thousands of deaths. It was terrible and not neccesary, but the military in Japan probably happily welcomed it.
19) How did the Cold War start?
The build-up of nuclear weapons by both the Soviets and the Americans.

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