Thursday, October 28, 2010

1) What rebel leaders does Paul Revere ride at midnight to warn?
Samuel Adams and John Hancock, who were leaders of the minutemen
2) In detail, describe how the battle of Concord looked?
The colonists used the woods and available cover and were basically attacking their own people. The Redcoats had the same mentality as in the French and Indian war, where they just stayed in a line and got cut down pretty quickly by the colonists who hid.
3) Why was the Revolutionary War the most important event in U.S. History?
The Revolutionary War enabled the country to be free and after it was over we finally were able to set up our own ruling government. America no longer had to pay taxes to anyone else. The Constitution was written and it set up the beginning of our country.
4) How many cities over 10,000 where there in America at the time of the Revolution?
5) Describe the country before the Revolutionary War? Why might not we, in the 21st century, recognize it?
America had only a couple million people living in it. Only four cities had more than 10,000 and only the east coast was inhabited. Rivers were pretty much highways but at the same time they made moving harder for those who just wanted a new colony. The rest of the country was just wild and untamed forest or desert.
6) Why was James Otis important?
He was a lawyer who introduced the idea that taxation without representation is tyranny. Pushed the colonists to go against the British.
7) What was Samuel Adams known for?
A Brewer! (just kidding) He kinda helped set up the whole revolution. Set up the Sons of Liberty. Without him we may have never fought against the British.
8) Describe the Patriotic Leaders.
Pretty much rich,white men who wanted to escape England so they could maximize profit and make their own laws that would favor the wealthy. They were succesful in appeling to the middle class, not so much the lower one though.

Massae isted around so that it sounded like a group of British soldiers just decided to fire into a crowd of innocent people. Although this wasn't true most people had no idea and so it created harsh feelings toward those soldiers. However they were given a fair trial by John Adams and because of that all of them got off except for one. During the Boston Tea Party, men from the Sons of Liberty went to a ship full of tea and threw it into the harbor. This shows that the colonists are frustrated with the taxes being put on them by the British. Althogh many colonists didn't support this act, it should have been a warning to the British that the colonists were ready for war if they didn't back off.

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