Friday, October 8, 2010

Part 2

1) Why do only the Mohawk agree to fight with General Johnson?
The other indian nations feel that it's not worth the risk of dying to help the general.
2) What are the results of the Battle of Lake George?
The Mohawk warriors on the French side try to stop it, but the French fire and start the battle. This becomes the frontline for the conflict between the empires.
3) For what purposes did the Native Americans take captive? (List three)
To replace dead friends, to use as ransom, and to protect from white people trying to steal their land.
4) Why is the story of Mary Jemison presented? What purpose does it serve?
To show more of the culture of the natives. It shows us that Natives maybe arn't as savage as they are sometimes protrayed.
5) Do you agree with Washington's disciplinary practices on deserters? Why or why not?
No, when he hung the deserters, i think that he lost the respect of his troops a little. He has put fear in them, and this fear could lead to unease when he is leading them. It could cause hesitation to follow his orders.
6) Who is Montcalm and why doesn't he like the Natives?
He is a French General and he doesn't like the Natives, because he feels they are uncivilized. He doesn't like their culture and their insistence of taking scalps.
7) What are the Native Americans code of honor? How does this differ from the Europeans' Code of War?
The natives would plunder the dead and take the surviving to replace their fallen warriors. The Europeans thought that was barbaric. They didn't take prisoners and treated the losers very well (so well that after the english lost a battle they had a banquet with the french who won).
8) Discuss the culture clash that happens at Fort William Henry.
After the English lost to the French and Indians, the French told the natives that they could not plunder the english or take captives. Further angering them, the French invited the English to a banquet and didn't invite the natives.

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